About Us

One Beginning

Our story begins with our founders Shlomo Artzi and Michal Heled, the inspiring visionaries of Tzimaon.

Tzimaon is a volunteers-based foundation that perceives education as the most meaningful path to growth, change and success. We support youth from vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds, living on the margins of society. For two decades, Tzimaon has engaged in country-wide work, running three separate but interrelated programs:

1. Tzimaon for Growth
A program for youth from the social and geographic periphery. This comprehensive program spans nearly a decade, beginning with a pre-military preparatory gap year study program, continuing with counselling and support before and during military service, and concluding with mentoring and guidance in choosing academic and occupational paths and integration into civilian life.

2. Tzimaon for Success
A program accompanying high-risk youth through ongoing one-on-one and multi-dimensional support, focused on acquiring an academic degree and an employable profession towards a horizon of successful future.

3. Tzimaon for a Hug
A program dedicated to the welfare and wellbeing of the asylum-seekers community in Israel. It includes enrichment programs and activities for primary school students, professional occupational skills for youth, women’s empowerment, as well as support for the joint professional runners and track-athletes from the asylum-seekers community and veteran Israelis, which advances children and youth from the social periphery through sports.

Three Core Values
1. The right to change is open to all
2. Holistic approach to meeting youth’s needs
3. The foundation’s support is open-ended

Five Areas of Activity
1. Acquiring education
2. Acquiring life-skills
3. Providing emotional support and mentoring
4. Occupational placement
5. Assistance with material subsistence (rent, food stamps, and more)


Tzimaon for a Hug

Tzimaon for a Hug encompasses two intertwined programs. The first is devoted to the welfare and wellbeing of the community of asylum-seekers, the second supports a group of professional runners training for the Olympics.

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Tzimaon for Growth

Tzimaon for Growth is a unique, multi-phase and multi-dimensional program that accompanies youth from the age of 18 to the age of 26. During eight years, the program supports participants with the special attention and guidance they need for the different stages during this period, and for the challenging transitions between them.

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Tzimaon For Success

Tzimaon for Success offers youth at-risk the chance to exchange a life-long struggle for survival amid hardship, loneliness and failure with a financed process for acquiring an education/ professional occupation and life-skills for a positive and safe future.

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Contact Us

Tzima’on Office Address: Ahimair Street 7a Ramat Gan 5258735

Phone: +972-54-3054051 

Fax: +972-3-6470319

Email: tzimaon@tzimaon.co.il

Donation Call-center: +972-54-3054051