
Tzimaon for Growth

Tzimaon for Growth is a unique, multi-phase and multi-dimensional program that accompanies youth from the age of 18 to the age of 26. During eight years, the program supports participants with the special attention and guidance they need for the different stages during this period, and for the challenging transitions between them.

“They who save a soul are forever in its service”

Tzimaon for Growth is a unique, multi-phase and multi-dimensional program that accompanies youth from the age of 18 to the age of 26. During eight years, the program supports participants with the special attention and guidance they need for the different stages during this period, and for the challenging transitions between them.

The first meeting with participants takes place after they graduate high-school, as they enter Mifneh in Or Yehuda “mechina,” or pre-army preparatory program. The meetings continue throughout the year as participants near their draft, and continue during and after their army service as they prepare for and transition into civilian life.

The program team includes the Mifneh in Or Yehuda staff, mentors during and after army service, and a wide range of counsellors dedicated to creating an individualized program for every participant to shape their best future going forward. The program provides a unique and comprehensive framework that helps participants achieve their goals, with full agency, and in active partnership and ongoing solidarity with the Mifneh in Or Yehuda community and community and surrounding society.

The Core Values:
• Continuity- the program accompanies and supports participants for eight years, with special attention to the transition between life stages during this period.
• Flexibility- one size does not fit all. Each participant receives personalized care and support to address their individual needs, abilities, desires and aspirations.
• Fulfillment- we have deep faith in the participants’ ability to fulfill themselves and lead a successful independent life. Our conviction is evidence-based.

Areas of Activity:
• Developing participants’ personal capabilities and self-awareness during the preparatory program.
• Providing tools for defining the objectives relevant to each stage of life.
• Assistance with army assignment placement to make the most of personal capabilities and skills.
• Ongoing mentoring spanning from the end of high-school to young independent adulthood after army service.
• Providing financial support for academic studies, acquiring a profession, emotional therapy and legal aid, in keeping with individual needs.

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